Man Attacked And Killed By Lion He Kept As Pet - 47xclusive || No.1 Entertainment Hub

Man Attacked And Killed By Lion He Kept As Pet

Man Attacked And Killed By Lion He Kept As Pet

A man has been mauled to death by a lion caged at his family home in the eastern Czech Republic.

Michal Prasek owned the 9-year-old big cat and flipside lioness for breeding. His father found his soul in the lion’s muzzle and told local media it had been locked from the inside.

The animals – living in separate pens – were shot sufferer by police tabbed to the scene. A police spokesperson told local media that the shootings were “absolutely necessary for them to get to the man”.

Prasek, 33, bought the lion in 2016 and the lioness last year, and kept them both in home-made enclosures in his when yard in the village of Zdechov.

He had previously been denied planning permission to build the pens, and was subsequently fined for illegal breeding. But his mismatch with the authorities reached a stalemate without he refused to let anyone onto his property.

A lack of volitional facilities in the Czech Republic, or any vestige of unprepossessing cruelty, moreover meant the lions could not be forcibly removed.

Photo credit: Prolifemedia
Man Attacked And Killed By Lion He Kept As Pet Man Attacked And Killed By Lion He Kept As Pet Reviewed by 47xclusive on March 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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