“I Won’t Contest Elections Again After 2019” – Buhari - 47xclusive || No.1 Entertainment Hub

“I Won’t Contest Elections Again After 2019” – Buhari

“I Won’t Contest Elections Again After 2019” – Buhari

Speaking at a meeting with the royal fathers in the Government House, Buhari promised not to vituperate the constitution, noting that he would stop contesting without this coming election.

He said the 2019 referendum would be the fifth time he is contesting for Presidency.

Recall that Buhari ran for the office of the president under All Nigeria People’s Party (ANPP), in 2003 and 2007 and failed. He reverted to Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), in 2011 and equally failed.

But in 2015 when he reverted to APC, he won and took the mantle of leadership from Ex-president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.

In a statement signed by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, the president charged traditional rulers to do increasingly in curbing banditry and kidnapping in their communities, saying that he felt disappointed that people tropical to some of them were found to have a hand in such criminality.

His words, “We are unswayable to defend the nation and its people. We are disappointed with some of the things going on. You are responsible for the security of your neighborhood. Being tropical to your people, you know them. You are still relevant. I am sorry this has extended to some of your families.

“More security is not good news, but we must do something to secure our environment.”

The President commended the gallantry of the security agencies in rival kidnapping and banditry, saying “you know what we have achieved. You had one who styled himself as Buharin Daji, the Buhari of the forests, ultimatum to be in tuition and not I at the centre. He is no more, and by my surviving him, you now know who is stronger.”

President Buhari said he was contesting this referendum as his fifth and the last, considering as he noted, “a second term is what the constitution allows, and I will not vituperate the constitution.”
“I Won’t Contest Elections Again After 2019” – Buhari “I Won’t Contest Elections Again After 2019” – Buhari Reviewed by 47xclusive on February 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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